NMCEO Sector Convenings

The NM Center for Economic Opportunity, the 501(c)3 foundation of the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce is hosting nine sector convenings focused on the economic growth sectors identified in New Mexico’s twenty-year economic develop plan, Empower and Collaborate: New Mexico’s Economic Path Forward. NMCEO brings together key stakeholders in government and business to examine opportunities, challenges, strategies, and metrics of success in Aerospace, Biosciences, Cybersecurity, Film & Television, Outdoor Recreation, Sustainable & Value-Added Agriculture, Intelligent Manufacturing, Global Trade, and Sustainable & Green Energy.
Through the series of workshops where stakeholders discuss the opportunites, challenges, strategies, and metrics of success in the nine targeted sectors, NMCEO compiles the findings in reports to make recommendations to enhance opportunities, mitigate challenges, and track progress in achieving economic development goals. You can find the reports compiled to date below.
Sector Convening Reports
Green & Sustainable Energy Sector Feedback
In September 2023, NMCEO published findings from the Green & Sustainable Energy Sector Convening that took place in late 2022. Read the report here.